Our Ministries
Seek, Serve, Share
Morningside offers ministries that help people seek Jesus, serve Christ, and share Christian love. Some of the opportunities are suited for certain age groups while others engage every generation. Scroll down to see our current ministries.

Worship & Music
Morningside has a strong tradition of music in worship. In addition to congregational singing, our music includes special selections presented by our Sanctuary Choir, instrumentalists, children, youth, as well as ensembles and soloists of all ages.

Morningside really loves kids! We have modern facilities and loving volunteers who teach children Biblical truths that will last a lifetime. Sunday Bible Study, Kids Worship, and Kid Zone all focus on teaching children to love God's Word.

The Youth Ministry at Morningside exists to encourage our 6-12 grade students to seek Jesus Christ as Lord, serve as we are called by scripture, and share the love of Christ with others. Thrive Bible Study is Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30. Other upcoming youth events can be found in The Messenger in the Events tab on Morningside website. If you have any questions or want more information on our youth ministry contact Connor @ cbastin@msidechurch.org

Adults have opportunities to seek Jesus through Bible study in small groups after the Sunday morning service. On Wednesday Nights, we offer discipleship classes that help Christians live for Christ and grow in their faith. On Wednesday nights, we have an online prayer meeting and Bible study that focuses on Christian basics. Follow us on FaceBook, YouTube or msidechurch.org
Boy Scouts Ministry
Cub Scout Pack 11 and Boy Scout Troop 11 meet most Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Our Cub Scouts (Age 5-10) meet upstairs in the Morningside education wing, while our Boy Scouts (11-17) meet at the Scout Hut. Our Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs strive to instill in our young men the ability to make ethical and moral decisions throughout life by using Christian moral values. These values are reflected in the Scout Oath and Law.

The mission of the Morningside Bicycle Ministry is to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ, by sharing his love in providing refurbished bicycles to children, teens, and adults in the Spartanburg community. We are open every Tuesday from 8:00-12:00. If you would like to request a refurbished bicycle or donate a used bicycle to our ministry, please call the church office between 8:30-4:30 Monday through Thursday or contact one of our Bicycle Team members. For more information check out our Facebook group.
Weekday Pre-School
Mside Weekday Preschool strives to meet the spiritual, mental, social, emotional, and physical needs of young children by providing a Christian foundation and an emotional curriculum presented by a loving ministry to families within the church family as well as an outreach to families in the community.

The Hope Within
Morningside now has a team of volunteers that helps elderly and homebound members who would like to have assistance of various types. If you need someone to
take you to an appointment or to pick up groceries or medicine, etc., please contact Jayne Belmont in the Church Office. We would love to add members to this ministry team. If interested in becoming a part of this group, you may contact Jayne.

Hearts & Hands Crafters
These ladies create cards for all occasions, from get well cards to sympathy cards to Christmas cards for members and friends of Morningside. They meet in Room 421 on the fourth Thursday of each month at
10:00 A.M. During their meetings, they pray for the recipients. The group is generous in donating cards to be sold at the annual Craft Bazaar of Hope, held in October of every year. Facilitators are Martha Allen and Cathy Godfrey.

Joy of Missions
Joy of Missions focuses on praying for
missions and missionaries around the
world. Articles in Missions Mosaic, the
monthly WMU magazine, serve as the
basis for programs. The ladies meet at the
home of members the last Tuesday of the month at noon. Be sure to
bring a bagged lunch. The group donates non-perishable food to TOTAL
Ministries each month and packs prison packets at Christmas. Contact
Dot Wilder for more information.

Picklin' Parishioners
You will see our Picklin’ Parishioners
busy in the Fellowship Hall during the
summer months, canning everything
from pickles of all varieties, to salsa,
chowchow, jams, and jellies. Their items are always a big hit. The group also donates canned goods to the Bazaar of Hope, raising funds for such efforts as Send Relief in 2022. Contact Brenda Young or Linda Clamp if you would like to participate in the canning fun!

Prayer Shawl Ministry
These women, who crochet and knit shawls, scarves, and hats for the sick, the bereaved, and others experiencing trials in their lives, meet the third Thursday of each month. This group also donates many items to the Bazaar each year. The total number of shawls created since the group’s beginning in 2009 numbers over 400! Be sure to bring a bag lunch to munch on while you work in the FellowshipHall on the third Thursday of the month, beginning at 10:30 A.M. Gail Medlin, the
facilitator, would love the opportunity to talk with you about the group!

Stitchers & Sowers
“Sowing the Wonderful Love of Jesus One Stitch at a Time” is the group’s theme. You don’t have to be a seamstress to be a part of this group! We have jobs of all skills and talents! So far, the ladies have made over 120 pillowcase dresses that were packed in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Other projects have included making tote bags for those—in our church as well those in area facilities—who use walkers. The group also makes items such as aprons, adult bibs, mug rugs, bowl cozies, and pillows for the annual Bazaar of Hope. The group meets the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 P.M. Contact Kathy Green if you would like more details.

Beautiful Hats and Women’s Bible Studies
The Beautiful Hat Bible Study Group incorporates mentoring and prayer as a part of their emphasis. Facilitators are Edna Ellison, Vickie Holt, and Becky Watson. This group meets the first Monday of each month at 10:30 A.M. Bring a bagged lunch, and enjoy the fellowship as the ladies discuss issues of concern.  Throughout the year, women participate in Tuesday video-based Bible studies by well- known speakers such as Jen Wilkins and Priscilla Shirer. The group meets Tuesdays at 9:30 A.M. in the Unity Classroom. Prior to each study, sign-up sheets are located in the Information Hallway leading to the Welcome Center. You may also contact facilitators, Flonnie Shaw, or Laura White.